ENI releases the 21st World Energy Review

In the 2022 edition of the World Energy Review there is also room for critical minerals

The last months of the year are always an opportunity to review the situation, whatever the field. ENI, too, has decided to share at this time edition number 21 of the World Energy Review 2022, the statistical review compiled each year by the Italian multinational. The purpose of this review is to offer a glimpse of what happened in the previous year – the data published refers to 2021 – in the world of energy resources in order to identify trends and factors that could continue to be relevant in the near future. 

There are many elements that have been included in the 21st edition of ENI’s World Energy Review, but we would like to point out a novelty right from the start. As of this year, in fact, it has been decided to also collect and include data on critical minerals, i.e. those materials that are exploited for the production of energy from ‘low carbon’ sources. On the other hand, as you can imagine, ample space was given to the issue of energy transition, as well as the demand for oil and natural gas. 

Let us discover the most interesting data reported in ENI’s 21st World Energy Review

As we have already mentioned, one of the main focuses of the new World Energy Review is the energy transition and, in particular, the technologies and raw materials needed to support this epochal change. In this regard, the data on critical minerals are particularly interesting because they show an increase in demand and prices compared to the pandemic period. 

Still on the subject of renewable energies, according to ENI statistics, solar energy was again the fastest growing worldwide in 2021, with 138 GW of new installations. In any case, wind energy has also seen continuous growth, bringing electricity generation through a mix of the two to 10% of the total.

Let us conclude with data on oil and gas. Compared to 2020, demand and production have increased significantly in both cases. These are important trends, especially if one compares them with what was recorded during the pandemic period characterised by a strong crisis that has now been completely overcome. 

For a further in-depth analysis, we invite you to visit the special platform made available by ENI.