A chat with QOC Solutions: everything about the company, the production and the future of the sector

In just a few years, QOC Solutions has managed to gain a leading position in the production of quick opening closure for the Oil&Gas industry. Today, the head of sales talks about the company and future projects in an interview.

Can you briefly tell us what QOC Solutions is and what is its mission?

QOC Solutions represents an innovative reality in the field of design and production of rapid closures for industrial plants. Our strengths, what sets us apart from the others, are the customization of the products and the technology used for production. Thanks to our team of specialized engineers, we offer customers only products tailored to their needs with innovative and modern designs, which we develop internally.

How is the presence of QOC Solutions in the sector structured, and what services does the company offer?

QOC Solutions is part of SBS, a group of 12 companies operating in the fields of industrial and consumer electronics, integration, home automation, and energy saving since 1994. In more than twenty years of activity, the group has helped each of these realities, including ours, to grow and develop and we can say that we are proud of the work done so far, which has led us to the tables of the most important companies in the Oil&Gas sector and beyond. These results undoubtedly derive from the quality of our products and the completeness of the service offered, which goes from design to construction.

How has this sector changed in the last 20 years?

There have been many changes in this sector over the last twenty years. First of all, the technology and materials at our disposal have evolved; this has led not only to the development of new and different models of quick opening closures but also to the creation of increasingly efficient and functional products, capable of significantly simplifying the work of the workers. Secondly, customer expectations have changed. The standards have become increasingly high, both in terms of product performance and in terms of the guarantees offered. Moreover, customers are looking for partners on whom they can 100% rely on, that are more collaborative and ready to assist them with specific and dedicated technical advice. We are prepared to accept any challenge that might receive!

What does the consulting activity for companies you offer consist of? How does the product customization process work?

As I mentioned before, one of the main strengths of QOC Solutions is the total customization of our quick opening closures. In order to create tailor-made products, that can fully satisfy the customer and respect all the needs of an industrial plant, our team of specialists works closely with the customer: only in this way is it possible to create an ad hoc QOCs. Once the technicians know the client’s needs, they create a customized project, which must be approved by the customer. The variables are innumerable: production range, temperatures supported, pressure rating, types of gaskets, the material used, types of finish, etc. However, consultation service goes far beyond the inputs provided in the design phase and our flexibility allows us to create products that fully meet the expectations of the customer. We also guarantee after-sales activities, such as installation assistance and assistance with proper maintenance.

What are the company’s objectives in the field of research and development?

The idea behind QOC Solutions’ establishment is to bring to market innovative products and solutions, so there is no doubt that our main goal in R&D is to use our resources (energy, time, money and brilliant minds) to create totally reliable solutions that can also ensure maximum safety.

How is the current energy transition affecting your business? How do you see the role of the company, and in general that of products intended for the oil sector, in the current context of the energy transition to more sustainable sources?

Despite the intense pressure to find renewable and sustainable energy sources, it seems that the production of oil and natural gas is expected to increase by 20% in the next twenty years. The only change that will be noticeable is the destination area that instead of the West will become the East. Oil remains by far the main source of international hydrocarbon transport, and trade in natural gas will increase by 70%, especially to China, which is expected to surpass the EU in 2040 in imports of this source.

Our main goal at the moment is developing products that are compatible both with these forecasts and with the standards adopted at national and international level in the field of sustainability.

Why should companies choose products from QOC Solutions?

Because those who turn to us know that they are not only buying quality quick opening closures, made in compliance with regulatory standards and using the best technologies and materials on the market, but also a whole set of services designed to ensure the best to the customer from every point of view. Our customers know that they can count on us in every way, even in the after-sales phase.

Can you tell us about the quality controls that QOC Solutions products undergo?

All quick opening closures we produce undergo strict quality controls that allow us to verify their quality and reliability before they are shipped and delivered to the customer. Our routine includes PT, VT, MT and UT tests, which are performed by SNT TC 1A EN-473 qualified in-house personnel. For us, the safety of the workers and the safety of the installations comes first.

And lastly, can you tell us how did the past year go and something about the next goals to be achieved for QOC Solutions?

For QOC Solutions, 2019 was very positive, especially from the customer satisfaction point of view, which confirmed that clients see us as their ideal partner. As for the goals we have set, we have both some that we want to achieve in short and the long run. These include the expansion of the team and the entry into new markets, along with the development of new technologies and the capillarization of our presence on the market at a global level. We are sure that our hard work and the passion with which we work every day will bear fruit and guarantee us great chances of success!