Quick opening closures for launch and reception traps: QOC Solutions’ offerings

What are the launch and reception traps?

Essential components of every production plant in the Oil & Gas sector, the launch and reception traps are devices that allow the insertion and removal from the pipelines that make up the gas or oil pipelines of the pig, cylindrical shaped products that are used to clean the pipes, check their condition, eliminate residual fluids, lubricate them and, finally, to keep separate two different liquids while they travel inside the pipeline.

Although the simple appearance can be deceiving, the launch and reception traps are highly complex structures that require the work of a team of engineers competent in their design and construction. They are composed of:

  • a container body;
  • fittings for connecting the trap to the pipeline;
  • nozzles for internal pressure control;
  • a support system for the structure;
  • a quick closure (QOC), an element that allows to insert or remove the pigeons, manually or automatically, in a simple, fast and safe way.

Models of quick opening closures for launch and reception traps

QOC Solutions, a company of the SBS group, is a company specializing in the production, construction and sale of quick fasteners for industrial plants used by companies operating in various sectors. Among the many uses of the company’s products, there are also the launch and reception traps widely used in the Oil & Gas field.

QOC Solutions offers three types of quick fasteners for launch and reception traps:

  • QOC with tooth, that operates through a system with interlocking teeth that, by rotating, allows the opening and closing;
  • QOC with jaws, that runs through the use of a threaded tie rod that, by moving the jaws, allows the lid to be released/opened;
  • QOC with sectors, that is activated by acting on a rapid mechanism that sets the locking and unlocking sectors in motion.

All the quick closures for launch and reception traps designed by the QOC Solutions team are highly secure because they are made in compliance with the standards imposed by current regulations and are also guaranteed up to 24 months after delivery.

The products are designed to ensure maximum speed and ease of use, as well as to ensure that the maintenance process is as practical and immediate as possible.

The direct sale and without intermediaries, then, allows customers not only to customize the quick closures according to their needs but also to be sure to get a product of excellent quality at an affordable price.

For more information, please contact us.